Are you Prepared?
Emergencies and disasters happen. They often strike quickly without warning. Your best protection, whether it’s a flood, fire, tornado, explosion, or infectious disease emergency, is having a plan and knowing what to do. You should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 72 hours. Put in place your own plan for disaster preparedness, whether you need to evacuate with only minutes’ notice or stay self-sufficient in your home for several days. By being prepared, you’ll be able to minimize the impact an emergency or disaster has on your health, family and home.
Alberta has already shown that it is strong in the face of disaster, but Alberta also needs to be ready. Use these resources to get ready!
Emergency Services Department
For an Emergency: Dial 9-1-1
Police Department
Location: 301 Mitchell St SE,
Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0
Non-emergency services: 403-548-2222
Administration calls: 403-548-2288
Fire Department
Location: 1 Main St S, Redcliff, AB T0J 2P2
Non-emergency services: 403-548-3232 or
Emergency Medical Services
Medicine Hat Regional Hospital
Location: 666 5 Street SW,
Medicine Hat, AB, T1A 4H6
Switchboard Telephone: 403-529-8000