Yes. Individuals or groups may request an appointment for the purposes of making a presentation to be heard by Council as a delegation. Delegates must submit a request in writing for an appointment with Council which must be approved by the Municipal Manager. Please send your request, including the nature of your business, to
The Municipal Manager will review the request in consultation with any affected departments and may:
a) Add the appointment to the next regular Council meeting agenda, or
b) Add the appointment to a future regular Council meeting agenda if:
i. requested by the individual or group making the request; or
ii. Administration requires more time to properly investigate and report on the matter.
All approved delegates are required to provide written documentation to the Municipal Manager which clearly outlines the nature of their business for inclusion in the Council meeting agenda package. Written submissions must be typewritten or legibly written by hand, be signed by the correct name of the writer, contain the full mailing address of the writer and indicate if the writer wishes to address Council on the matter or to answer questions. All documentation is to be submitted not less than seven (7) working days in advance of the regular Council meeting date. A presentation request shall not be confirmed as being on a meeting agenda until the agenda has been reviewed by the Municipal Manager and Mayor, or their designates.
Presentations before Council shall be limited to ten (10) minutes unless the Mayor or Presiding Officer determines that additional time shall be granted; additional time shall be granted in the length specified by the Mayor or Presiding Officer.
Further details regarding presentations to Council may be found in the Town of Redcliff Procedural Bylaw.
Yes. Councils and council committees must conduct their meetings in public unless a matter to be discussed falls under an exception to disclosure as detailed in legislation. Redcliff Council promotes and encourages citizens to attend meetings. Agendas are posted on the website so that people can see in advance what items will be discussed at upcoming meetings.
Town Council meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month with the exception of July, August, and December. In July and August, Council meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month. In December, Council meetings are held the 2nd Monday of the month. In the event a Council meeting falls on a statutory holiday, the Council meeting is held on the Tuesday following.
Council meetings begin at 7:00 p.m.
Council meetings are held in the Council Chambers at the Town Office (#1 – 3 Street NE).
Yes. The Municipal Government Act details the rules applicable to all legally binding petitions to a Council and the Minister under the Act. Informal petitions can also be made to Council.